Become A Thought Leader

Advice for Aspiring Thought Leaders

Inc. Magazine recently shared the 7 steps to becoming a thought leader and I just had to share!

  1. Figure out what you're an expert in.

  2. Create content that speaks in your voice.

  3. Drop the self-promotion.

  4. Be consistent.

  5. Understand how video can be used.

  6. Don't limit yourself.

  7. Surround yourself with a good team.

Thought leadership is a relatively new concept, so I wanted to share two ways to work towards being the go-to authority in your industry.

Educate and Inspire

The primary role of a thought leader is to empower your network by sharing research, insights and expertise that they can only get from Y.O.U. As an expert in your field, make your knowledge accessible to as many people as possible through a strong digital footprint. When sharing your experiences with others on social media, including clear objectives, high-quality visuals, and impactful content.  

Establish Credibility 

To be a successful thought leader you must establish trust with your audience, however, this key component is not something that happens overnight. To achieve this, you must build your credibility through sharing your experiences, challenges and learnings with your audience OFTEN. It is important to design a strategy for the content you want to post to ensure it will carry weight in the eyes of your audience. 

Being a thought leader also means understanding your target market and providing your expertise for that niche very clearly. As you build your reputation as a thought leader in your industry, people will get to know you by the image and brand you have created for your own unique identity. 

Want to establish yourself as a thought leader?

Register for my FREE Thought Leadership Webinar HERE!

Thought LeadershipTara Clark