Invest In Your Professional Brand and Get Noticed Online

Trying to figure out how to build a community on your own is costing you time and opportunities.

Does this sound familiar?

✔ You've spent countless hours setting up your LinkedIn but run into roadblocks

✔ You know there must be a better way out there, but all the options and opinions out there are overwhelming.

✔ You understand there can be a system that takes 15-30 min a day to get you the results you want —  but you don't know how to implement them

✔ You've wasted so much valuable time trying to figure it out on your own

Now is the time to get an actionable plan… that ACTUALLY WORKS! 

Invest in yourself. Invest in your success.

It’s time to register for the TLCxDNA course.

For only $99, you’ll learn what it means to have a professional brand outside of your business, get a comprehensive roadmap to amplify your voice, and see how to keep your audience engaged through creative content planning.

Join me on this journey to establishing yourself as an expert (online!) and take your professional brand to the next level! 

I can’t wait to see you on the inside #TLCXDNA

What students inside TLCxDNA are saying

"I started your TLCxDNA (love this name, btw) last week, and I really think you’ve developed some very effective ‘thinking tools’ that are essential to someone who wants to pursue this goal of thought leadership. You have essentially laid out the steps behind a strategic communications plan – perhaps even a business plan. It’s MUCH deeper (in the best way!) than I expected. The class is very thought-provoking. And that’s IMHO quite rare. I almost didn’t buy it thinking a two-hour online course for $99 CAD may not be worth it, but your class is definitely worth it (maybe more!)."

- TLCxDNA student